By notguilty - 15/08/2009 23:24 - United States

Today, while I was watching Miley Cyrus's new music video, I had an itch near my bikini line that I couldn't reach through my jeans. So I unzipped my pants to get to it, and that's when my boyfriend walked in on me with my hands down my pants. He thought I was getting off on the music video. FML
I agree, your life sucks 49 459
You deserved it 22 947

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Lisimal 7

EWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!!!!!! YDI for even looking at that beaver face.

ladycoyote 0

You deserve it for voluntarily watching Miley Cyrus do anything.


magichateball 0

99, 101, 112 FYL for watching Shane probably like Fred too. OP, YDI for having ANYTHING to do with Miley "Twitter *****" Cyrus

andlifesuxagain 0

HAHAH Even your crabs dont like Miley Cyrus

Cheyenne_Is_Me 4

It could've been ALOT worse. She could've been watching Jonas Brothers, or, OH GOD, Demi Lovato. *almost gags* =]

misterman2 3
Sumtimz_life_sux 0


lightningbolt13 0

AHAA! thats soo funny. i love miley btw.

caught22 0

omg that made my day!! that was effin hilarous

YDI for acknowledging Miley Cyrus's existence publicly. ((And pointing out that you did so does not count.))