By shaggy - 30/08/2009 21:26 - Canada

Today, I walked in on my boyfriend getting it on with the neighbour's daughter. As soon as he saw me, he started singing "It Wasn't Me" by Shaggy, completely naked, still sitting with the girl. FML
I agree, your life sucks 60 940
You deserved it 4 895

Same thing different taste

Top comments

If I were you, I'd keep him. Only a man of superior intellect could think to sing Shaggy in a time of crisis.

Honey came in and she caught me red-handed Creeping with the girl next door


Felium 0

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vdubz 0

I wish there were a way to ban accounts that say "first" as their comment. At least there is the thumbs down button. Haha, I wouldn't expect someone to break out in song when they get caught.

lmao I thought he was going to say something like, "Babe! I'm so sorry! Please hear me out." But no, he sang lol He clearly cheated on the OP but yea, FYL OP. Just dump him :)

wait a minute ewww doesnt that mean he is a pedophile?

doesn't say how old the neighbor's daughter is.

even a mother is a daughter to someone. Don't assume.

chitown4lyfe 0

hey asshole dont you want people to know that you were the first to comment on an fml that tens of thousands of people read?

123sploosh 0
fmlfmlfml15 0

"I wish there were a way to ban accounts that say "first" as their comment." Yes well, I wish there was a way to ban accounts that complain about people saying first, because they're more annoying than those who actually say first, (that is of course, unless the person is completely obnoxious about being first). But like you said, "At least there is the thumbs down button".

theres no way this fml actually happened. it was made up after listening to this song

Hummm, sorreh to point out zeeh obviouss, But arent you just complaining about anther person complainingg aboot someting that annoys preeeetty much everyone? Me thinkz we all needz to stop complaining and be happy little chaps. ;D Ohh, and your cheating boyfriends a pratcake. :]

you need to stop complaining about a guy complaining about a guy complaining about being first its really annoying :D sorry couldnt resist XD

oooh. theres a pointt. but i wasnt particularly complaining as such, meerly making a statement :D

fmlxxxx 0

Yeah well, people who complain about people who complain about being first, are even more obnoxious

that's life 5 times the complainer. cereal?

how isn't this real.. I'd do it :P :D

I love that song(: that was my favorite song since I was 5

kay_jay 5
dancingdoggy 4
fluffypoo09 0

It definitely does suck, but it's also really funny. It amazes me what people try to get away with!

picture this they were both buck naked banging on the bathroom floor how could he forget that he had given her an extra key

Beef_Sister 0

- Honey came in and she caught me red-handed Creeping with the girl next door Picture this, we were both butt naked, banging on the bathroom floor How could I forget that I had Given her an extra key All this time she was standing there She never took her eyes off me your boyfriend is my hero!

how can you grant a woman access to your villa trespasser and a witness... you better watch your back before she turn into a killa (that's all i could ever understand from this part) i still can't decide whether your boyfriend is a dick for cheating on you, or really clever for thinking of singing this song. i think i'll go with both. regardless, i hope you dumped his cheating ass

beelzebub777 0

I disagree. Many douches sing and many more douches THINK they can sing. Doesn't make them any better than other douches though

(Yo', man) Yo'(Open up, man) What do you want, man?(My girl just caught me) You let her catch you?(I don't know how I let this happen) With who?(The girl next door, you know) Man(I don't know what to do) Say it wasn't you(Alright)Honey came in and she caught me red-handedCreeping with the girl next doorPicture this, we were both butt naked, banging on the bathroom floorHow could I forget that I hadGiven her an extra keyAll this time she was standing thereShe never took her eyes off meHow you can grant the woman access to your villaTrespasser and a witness while you cling to your pillowYou better watch your back before she turn into a killerBest for you and the situation not to call the beanerTo be a true player you have to know how to playIf she say a night, convince her say a dayNever admit to a word when she say makes a claimAnd you tell her baby no wayBut she caught me on the counter (It wasn't me)Saw me bangin' on the sofa (It wasn't me)I even had her in the shower (It wasn't me)She even caught me on came

If I were you, I'd keep him. Only a man of superior intellect could think to sing Shaggy in a time of crisis.

Sunako_fml 9

how the hell was that remotely funny or smart? he's already an idiot for cheating on her and even more of an idiot when he was trying to sing his way out of it.

How does cheating on someone make you an idiot?

Honey came in and she caught me red-handed Creeping with the girl next door

crdavis93 7

Picture is we were both caught naked bangin on the bathroom floor

splenda789 0

you should of taken pictures of them and showed it your neighbors parents, and sing that little tune to her ass.

mannix_fml 0
Beef_Sister 0

i would have started singing "to the left" LMFAO.

its irreplaceable not "to the left" you ******* idiots.

IIIII know that I can't take no more, it ain't no lieeee IIIII wanna see you out that door Baby bye, bye, byeeeee

If you wanna be mah lover, you gotta get wit' mah fraaaands Oh, how very fitting....

Jessicat_fml 0
Imawhalerider 0

he just needed to spice up his life

Hey Ladies, when your man wanna get buckwild Just go back and Hit 'Em Up Style Put your hands on his cash And spend it to the last dime For all the hard times Oh, when you go then everything goes From the crib to the ride and the clothes So you better let him know that If he messed up you gotta hit em up -blu cantrell

She runs back down the hallway And through the bedroom door She reaches for the pistol Kept in the dresser drawer Tells the lady in the mirror He won't do this again Cause tonight will be the last time She'll wonder where he's been