By Lililaloose - 24/12/2008 04:11 - France

Today, while I was looking for a file on my boyfriend's hard drive, I came across photos of a half-naked woman wearing my clothes, but whose head wasn't really visible. When I demanded an explanation, I realised that it wasn't another girl - it was him. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 893
You deserved it 3 615

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Root123 0

How did you mistake his body with that of a woman's?

CptJackSwallows 0

haha, now to engage in blackmail and roleplaying!


Wait... "half naked" + "wearing my clothes." .... something's wrong here.

@50, "half-naked" implies that some clothes are being worn, if rather skimpy. Maybe he's wearing her lingerie.

CptJackSwallows 0

haha, now to engage in blackmail and roleplaying!

Root123 0

How did you mistake his body with that of a woman's?

Maybe it was a shot from behind. Some dudes have lady butts.

Why do girls feel it is necessary to go thru their boyfriends computers?!

_crayola_ 1

What the hell are you hiding?..

She even said she was looking for a file, stupid.

#36 Same thing OP's boyfriend was hiding, I guess.

Why can't you? I have nothing to hide and I'd hope he is the same. I'm always going through his phone mostly cuz its fun. If he tells me not to read a certain conversation because it's private I comply and he does the same for me. Why would you have things to hide on your computer??

I don't think she was snooping - she specifically said she was looking for a particular file.

blarg9 0

just be happy it wasnt the way you thought it was :)

falloutgirl_fml 3

sucks to be him!!!! he should be the one posting here though!

Haha, Why'd he keep them on his harddrive? and Why were you snooping on it? :P

ShadowlessSpear 21
F14Shado 0
ohhhhshizzz 0

#5 & #8: like the OP said, she was looking for a file on her BF's hardrive, OBVIOUSLY needed. Rofl, what an idiot. * I smell blackmail in your future.