By Michelle - 04/08/2009 17:31 - United States

Today, I turned on my boyfriend's computer and saw pictures of all of my credit cards, front and back, and several of my parent's credit cards. I looked in his e-mail and found receipts for items which had been billed to me and delivered to him, including golf clubs and my birthday gift. FML
I agree, your life sucks 62 061
You deserved it 6 480

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Do people not keep track of their bank and credit card records anymore?

niemann2006 0

call him out on it, although, how did he even get your credit cards long enough for him to scan them as well as your parents without you noticing?


niemann2006 0

call him out on it, although, how did he even get your credit cards long enough for him to scan them as well as your parents without you noticing?

caramelize 0

Agreed. That's one sneaky boyfriend you got there. Anyway, he's a tool. Break up with him.

Break up with him? I'd have him charged.

americayay 0

agreed 14. don't just break up with him, have him arrested. you have proof.

How is he a tool? SHE is getting used.

Eja300 0

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#27. That's not what tool means. and to the OP, your boyfriends one big douche bag. Hope you break up with him

No, don't call him out on it. Make a copy of all the documents you found, and take pictures (not screen shot, pictures so you have his room as background). Then, file a police report and have the police confiscate his computer for fraud and grand theft. Send him to jail. He deserves it.

Kiwi_Splash 0

Time to break up with your sneaky, moocher boyfriend.

**** you era and **** you guy before me. you two are ******* morons.

Exeedingmango 0

Then I guess her parents deserve it too, Since he has scans and there pictures aswel.

Maybe he didn't scan them, he could have took a picture of the cards with a click of a camera button and put them on the computer... He shouldn't even be rummaging through other peoples property let alone use other peoples money/card without their approval.

all he would have to do is spend the night, stay up past everyone and take 2 minutes to take pictures

Do people not keep track of their bank and credit card records anymore?

meeeep 0

i was just going to say this ! i click YDI for not checking your credit card bills every time they come.

Agreed. And how could the OP not realise that way more money was being paid by her than she was obviously spending?

agreed, although the OP's carelessness is not the biggest worry, it's the fact that she's going out with a Fraudster! I say report him to the authorities. And has he used your parents cards too? If so perhaps all three of you should go on a crash home accountancy and budgeting course...

maybe he just started this month and the OP hasn't received the statement yet?

dogsbob 0

You must carry a huge balance if you didn't notice big honkin' charges on your credit card statements.

She must be in a huge amount of DEBT not to notice a little more

You really have to be careful about who you trust nowadays because just about anyone can be deceiving.

Sounds like a fun case of credit card fraud to put up with.

deaditegirl 0

FYL for having such a shitty boyfriend, but YDI for not checking your bank account sooner. You should keep better track of your finances so you notice charges like that.

With all the credit card fraud going around nowadays, why the hell didn't you regularly check your statements? Just to make sure? Your (hopefully ex) boyfriend has sneaky skills but still, sue his ass off for the cash.

wroughtinfire 0

Sorry dear, sucks for you, but YDI for not checking your credit balances when you get them. Unless of course you buy golf clubs all the time.