By HotACE - 22/04/2011 05:08

Today, while having sex with my girlfriend, she tells me that the flab on my stomach does not turn her on, and stops in the middle of it. Therefore, until my diet is over, guess who doesn't get any. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 960
You deserved it 22 724

Same thing different taste

Top comments

abceasyas123abc 12

What ever happened to unconditional love??

honeypixi01 0

Tell her that her face doesn't turn you on and give her a facial to cover it up so you don't have to see it.


Cheat on her superficial ass! Show her there are other women who would love to hook up with you!;)

that's ridiculous. she shouldn't be telling you to change yourself

Dude really **** those diets go to the gym and get ripped

She doesn't sound like someone you should be with. If you love someone you don't give them Ultimatums like that.

Guess who doesn't get any in the first place…

Your girlfriend sounds like princess of the *****