That slaps!

By Kelli - 08/04/2020 02:00

Today, the whole time my husband and I had sex, my stomach flab violently slapped my thighs. The harder he pumped, the louder the slapping got. Time to lose some weight. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 407
You deserved it 956

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Unless he's deaf, the sound probably turned him on and made him pump harder. He might be into BBWs, so your diet might be a no-win situation.

Buddhagal20 6


sourgirl101 28

Sexercise is a great start! Learn some moves to improve a nice workout.

Unless he's deaf, the sound probably turned him on and made him pump harder. He might be into BBWs, so your diet might be a no-win situation.

Buddhagal20 6

I specialize in personalized therapeutic diet plans. I have a working entirely online right now with the quarantine. if you are serious I might be able to help. just send me a reply and I'll give you my info.

WistayShlaio82 13

I’m so glad I’m a virgin. I never have to worry about things like this.

lifeis4me 20

At least he is still attracted to you. But since you notice, you can take this quarantine as a time to work on some improvements.