By HotACE - 22/04/2011 05:08

Today, while having sex with my girlfriend, she tells me that the flab on my stomach does not turn her on, and stops in the middle of it. Therefore, until my diet is over, guess who doesn't get any. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 960
You deserved it 22 724

Same thing different taste

Top comments

abceasyas123abc 12

What ever happened to unconditional love??

honeypixi01 0

Tell her that her face doesn't turn you on and give her a facial to cover it up so you don't have to see it.


numberswoman 14

Is the bitch supermodel perfect? Find someone else.

hey, the computer screen/hand doesnt mind your flab ;()

Why do you even have a flab? why do commenters hate on this? jesus...u cant be so selfish think about the girl too....fatness/overweight/obesity isnt a sickness or disease...its just bad attitude.

daaanielle14 0

sounds like low self discipline. always strive to improve sir your fault.

dump her for a chubby chaser. you'll be loved for your body and you get to eat cake! mmm....

nismos13420guy 0

dude **** that bitch buddie gurls are a dime a dozen dude sorry chicks that arent bitches

tell her that her cooter stinks but you deal with it anyway

149, rape is by force not by choice therefore your point is invalid. If you're going to go by that I would think OP would of stopped if she asked him to in which it appears he did. As you said an opinion is an opinion. 159, I was never expecting anyone to agree with me I was just putting in my comment so please get over yourself. :3 ah bluegoldfish isn't all that original either.

you should start going to the gym soon. that's a turn off for almost all the women!! If you care about her and love her you will take care of you and your body for her.