By damnbananas - 24/01/2011 20:38 - United States

Today, while at school, I slipped on a wet patch in the hall and fell over, smacking my head against the floor. I laid there for a good five minutes in agonizing pain while people literally walked over me. Not a single person bothered to help me up or ask if I was okay. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 632
You deserved it 4 344

Same thing different taste

Top comments

What a world 0_o it reminds me of the story of this homeless man who protected a woman from getting mugged, got stabbed and was let dying on the floor by the woman and all the passers-by .....

Welcome to high school! Where nobody cares about you or your feelings.


emilyxorawr 3

Don't you just hate people like that?

Hey, dont worry about it op, shit happens, you just gotta laugh about it. yeah Today i. flipped on a treadmill at school 3 times before mashing my face on friend turned it up Haha! yeah, life's just good fun.

Enough with the pity. Just get up and don't WAIT or expect for people to help you. YDI

pinkybear7 0

well **** you to bitch. damn.

andres79118 0

yeah i gotta agree f u people like just need to keep ur lame bs comments to yourself cauae not worth anybodys time

Well, OP, you just learned a very important lesson- We were born alone and we die alone. Stop expecting someone to pick you up from the floor! Everyone is too busy dealing with their own problem, no need to add a girl's clumsiness to the list.

fss 0

that's kids for you these days. it's pathetic Crescent

This must have sucked for you, people are cold. But you should have just gotten yourself up and gotten over it. I've hit my head in school a couple of times pretty hard too haha but I didn't wait for someone to pick me up.. Stop being dependent on the world. :P

survival of the fittest, or douchbags? not nice at all

perdix 29

They thought it was cool that you were sleeping in the wet spot.

sutherlandrb32 0

maybe its because you are weird? just try being hotter next time you slip and fall.