By Crispy cripple - 05/09/2018 18:30

Today, my dorm's fire alarm went off. In the rush to escape, I slipped and fell off my bunk bed, breaking my ankle in two places. Crying, I told my roommates I needed help to walk. They shrugged and left after mentioning that I would slow them down. FML
I agree, your life sucks 3 273
You deserved it 278

Same thing different taste

Top comments

based on this it sounds like your 'friends' could have been charged with manslaughter had there been a fatal fire. they walked away from someone who could not get out. That is despicable.

you had to "escape" from more than likely a fire drill or burnt popcorn? Calm and orderly fashion comes to mind, but then again I run into burning structures for free.


based on this it sounds like your 'friends' could have been charged with manslaughter had there been a fatal fire. they walked away from someone who could not get out. That is despicable.

I think they would have been charged with “cowardice” instead. People aren’t required to be heroic when it might cost them their lives.

Manslaughter for not helping someone? That's a new one. They may be assholes for not helping but its definitely not against the law.

I’ll agree with both Interesting and Richard for a moment. For Interesting’s point, they’d KNOWINGLY have left someone in a burning building. To die. Sure, they wouldn’t be the only one’s in the building, but they’re roomates, and when someone realizes that OP is not among everyone else and asks what happened, what’re the roomates gonna say, “I didn’t feel like carrying someone out with a busted ankle”? For Richard, yes, it is not illegal to not save someone, but if you can physically do the deed, why not?

MidnaLink: it would definitely slow someone down to help another with a broken foot. In the panic, many people wouldn’t be able to make the judgment that they could afford to exit more slowly. Morally speaking, one should help their fellow human, but that’s hard to codify in law.

Depending on where you live, failure to render aid is actually a crime, and can land you a felony charge depending on the circumstances.

Bull ******* shit. You are not required to risk your life to help someone else. But if there was a fire and they didn't inform the firefighters that the op was stuck in there that would be a different story.

it does depend on were you live. apparently (disclaimer this was a five minute Google search) in civil law countries it is often law you have to help where you reasonably can. In Germany it is illegal not to help. in the USA it is not against the law unless you have parental responsibility or some sort of responsibility like they are your employee.

Actually in many places you are specifically NOT supposed to help someone who is unable to walk for themselves if you are not physically able to just carry them down a set of stairs. You are generally supposed to try and get them near the stairwells, if possible, but then you are supposed to get out and inform the fire department that there are people still inside incapable of getting themselves out. It's because they would rather run in and rescue one easily located, disabled person, than to have to try and rescue you both.

As already stated you are not required to render aid or assistance legally speaking. The only time you could catch criminal charges are if you directly prevent someone from escaping ie locking them in a room. You have to had directly done something that indirectly caused them to die for manslaughter.

depending on where you live though. we don't know where OP lives. though I would hazard a guess it's America

you had to "escape" from more than likely a fire drill or burnt popcorn? Calm and orderly fashion comes to mind, but then again I run into burning structures for free.

Hopefully, your view of humanity has been clarified. Your cowardly, selfish roommates are not outliers, they are the norm.

You must be a freshman. Get used to it going off constantly. Be prepared that it will happen in the middle of the night so don’t sleep nude. It is an inevitable they’ll be a shower alarm. So get a robe. Don’t ignore the alarm, but do proceed calmly.

Wow that's some assholes I'd report them to the school 😤

LadyRen 20

This is why you’re told to CALMLY exit the building.

Luke16eirb7deneuwn1 20

And this lesson illustrates the difference between friends and roommates.... But seriously, that was a really shitty thing for your roommates to do to you! And alarm or no alarm, for your own sake get yourself under control before jumping off the top bunk! That’s just dumb. If you injure yourself by panicking then your chances of survival go way down. When I was 11 years old our house burned down. The front end of the house was fully engulfed in flames. My dad sent me next door to have our neighbors call the fire department while he got out what he could. It was this time of year and I slept in just my underwear. But I did what I was told and woke the neighbors and they called the fire department. Then I got to watch the house and nearly all of our stuff burn before the firemen got there. Dad was able to save most of our clothes, the family photos and some other items. In an emergency, you do what has to be done and you do it promptly. But panic leads to destruction!