By iltdtsm - 15/08/2009 16:58 - Canada

Today, while showering I slipped and fell, taking down the shower curtain and smashing my head against the floor, resulting in a concussion. My family came running because of the noise and I lay naked, bleeding and concussed for few minutes before they could stop laughing enough to get me help. FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 218
You deserved it 3 263

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Protoforms_rule 0

What's with everyone slipping and falling when they get out of the shower lately? FML readers: Beware the soap and water!! Er, then again, there's probably already some who seem to fear it....

ISellHerbs 0

Hey look at the brightside. At least they didn't take pictures.


Protoforms_rule 0

What's with everyone slipping and falling when they get out of the shower lately? FML readers: Beware the soap and water!! Er, then again, there's probably already some who seem to fear it....

There are some family moments that just make you smile and be thankful for the family that you have and it just makes you love them all the more...that clearly wasn't one of those moments FYL that really sucks


I agree with #1, I am over these kind of FMLs. They are boring, shit, repetitve and not funny anymore.

alan1011 0

**** then their assholes if the same thing happens to one of the m pull up a chair and watch. c how they like it

that's horrible, what if your concussion caused serious injury, your family is mean

Umm if you were unconcious how would u know they stood there laughing? YDI for failing

ISellHerbs 0

Hey look at the brightside. At least they didn't take pictures.

dirty_blondie 0

i'm always scared that I will fall in the shower. hope you're ok.

sexymessy 0

Sorry OP I laughed before I felt sorry..but hey at least they went to check on you

livelovelife01 0

1. feel better. 2. fyl. 3. I think they laughed cuz you were bleeding and naked. I dunno what it is, but I laugh at naked people. :)

You are never going to get laid if you keep up with that habit.

livelovelife01 0

@29/greenalbatross: i've gotten laid. hehe. :) but let's say your girl/boy was freshening up for you, and then you hear "THUD" and see him on the floor naked. wouldn't you laugh? i'd be cracking up, then make sure he's okay... adorable profile pic by the way.

Aww, that's horrible! How anyone can deserve that is beyond me. But yeah, I almost fell in the shower yesterday...not a fun experience.

prettykitty123 0

Falling in the shower story of the day FAIL. The vomiting guy beat the shit out of you.

concussed? I'm pretty sure you'd just say unconscious...

its not the same thing. concussed is being in the state of a concussion which doesn't necassarily mean you are unconscious.

It is not really a real word... lazy teens just decided to convert concussion. To have a concussion. To have been concussed. :/ "with a concussion" would have worked just as well.