Donut eat this

By Anonymous - 07/08/2015 21:18 - United Kingdom - Plymouth

Today, my sister offered me a couple of doughnuts she bought recently. Thinking she was just being nice, I went ahead and started eating, and was met with the most horrid taste I've ever experienced. Turns out her "recently" was two weeks ago. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 708
You deserved it 2 154

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Give her a cream filled doughnut but scoop out the cream and fill it with tooth paste

mif_fml 27


Well, doesn't she sound like a little bitch... I'd recommend swift retaliation.

mif_fml 27

Give her a cream filled doughnut but scoop out the cream and fill it with tooth paste

MasterTron 24

I think the tooth paste will have a more desirable effect.

Idk I'd rather chomp on toothpaste than mayonnaise. Mayo is the devil

addisonrose12 16

Wouldn't they have looked so soggy after two weeks?

Some get stiff, but microwave it and it's all soft again!

True but they'd be tasting differently even after microwaved.

Yea they taste different that's how op found out they where old

My point is that you'd notice that they're old. Because they aren't close to as puffy as they are when made fresh.

I would think that after two weeks they would be stale and kind of hard by now. But now you know, never take food from your sister!!!

1dvs_bstd 41

Next time offer her one when you go dumper diving and don't tell her until later...or better yet don't tell her at all

Guess you could say they were sourdoughnuts haha.... I'm so lonely