By Gangnam - 16/11/2012 15:52 - Sweden - Bromma

Today, while at a red light, a guy in a tux and sunglasses doing the Gangnam Style passed over the crossing, followed by a man with a video camera. This isn't the first time I've stopped for people doing a Gangnam Style parody. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 601
You deserved it 3 970

Same thing different taste

Top comments

mynamesnoah 6

Im going to agree here. I'm probably in the minrity here but I'm getting pretty damn sick of Gangnam Style; Had a good chuckle at first, but then it was all horse-dancing down hill from there.


It got way too popular, its always on the radio here, so tired of hearing it.

kut17 11

Gagnam Style just proves that people will listen to anything as long as there is a fad. Most people don't even understand 90% of the lyrics.

I listened to it because I was told it was funny, which it is. People listen to other music because their friends tell them to. What's the real difference? It just happens to be more successful. And I did look up what it meant.

joethebiden 8

Stop bitching. That would make my day, just for the sake of breaking routine.

The point of the FML is that this HAS become routine, as it has happened multiple times.

And this is FML worthy why? Lighten up- I'm sure it was hilarious!

I fail to see a FML here... I'm not a Gangnam fan, in fact I find it annoying. But still, let people have fun! They aren't harming anyone; They aren't doing anything illegal; So why does this bother you so much?

I've still yet to see what the hell this "Gangnam Style" shit even is. I'm aware it's some video on Youtube, but my life is no more empty not having seen it.

Psycho_Babydoll 26

Gangnam Style is a perfect example of what is wrong with the world nowadays.

redmane 21

It's actually about liking a girl who is sexy but in a dignified manner. The lyrics are sweet. The videos just really quirky. I'd think that bitches and hoes rap is a perfect example of what is wrong with the world nowadays.

The fad will pass soon enough (hopefully). I will take Gangnam Style over watching people Planking any day. :P

Is it just me or do you think it would have been hilarious if OP beeped :P

KingCeltic77 18

Atleast it's better than all the "Call Me Maybe".