By Gangnam - 16/11/2012 15:52 - Sweden - Bromma

Today, while at a red light, a guy in a tux and sunglasses doing the Gangnam Style passed over the crossing, followed by a man with a video camera. This isn't the first time I've stopped for people doing a Gangnam Style parody. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 601
You deserved it 3 970

Same thing different taste

Top comments

mynamesnoah 6

Im going to agree here. I'm probably in the minrity here but I'm getting pretty damn sick of Gangnam Style; Had a good chuckle at first, but then it was all horse-dancing down hill from there.


Edo369 8

That gangnam style shit is getting ******* annoying.

I don't have any sympathy for you, sorry. but I LIVE in Korea- and I see it every single day, at a minimum of 3 times a day, so sympathy :/ good luck with that though

hopechancey 4

What's ironic is right as I started reading this, Gangnam style started playing on the radio!

You were at a red light, and pedestrians were crossing the street. You should stop regardless of it being a Gangnam Style parody.

That's freaking awesome! Why is this even on here? Definitely not an FML moment!

**** you Tina Turner. I'm a douchebag anyway