By Anonymous - 26/04/2009 21:50 - United States

Today, after driving a few hours late at night I decided to entertain the car tailgating me by not letting him pass. After doing this for 3miles, reaching 93MPH, I decided to let the car pass me. When I switched lanes, the car tailgating me light up in red and blue. It was a cop. FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 177
You deserved it 97 166

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I slow down for tailgaters. Wouldn't change if it were a cop. It's one of those moments where you just pray a deer would jump in front of you so that you could slam on your breaks and the moron would crash right into you for following too close.


well your a bitch and you deserved that abviously no sympathy from me here

Cops like to tailgate. I almost brake-checked a cop tailgating me at 80 mph- he was so close I couldn't see his headlights. He passed me before I did anything stupid and only then did I notice it was a state trooper.

Macromartyr 3

Only five comments until someone said this. I Swear they love to ride your ass just for easy tickets from short tempered drivers.

well that's why the brake check is such a wonderful tool. if they hit you theyre gonna be in a lot of trouble explaining why they were that close in the first place

I hate when somebody tailgates me when I'm already going fast.

Yeah and if you slam your brakes for a brake check and can’t prove that you needed to stop fast the joke and the ticket are on you.

I slow down for tailgaters. Wouldn't change if it were a cop. It's one of those moments where you just pray a deer would jump in front of you so that you could slam on your breaks and the moron would crash right into you for following too close.

it depends cuz if your going below the speed limit in the passing lane it's your fault you're being tailgated

Um no, I don't usually pray for someone tailgating me to crash into me.

#5 the only bad thing is, the cop would probably still give you a ticket. They don't care if they hit you, they'll somehow turn it on ya. They're complete dicks.

Should have tried speeding up a few mph then slowing down a bunch. See what kind of BS excuse of a ticket he could have given you then.

kel_riv 0

I ******* hate tailgaters. I'll be going 105 in a 100 zone when I'm not in a rush or anything and it's like 10pm, and I'll have this douchebag up my ass, refusing to pass me. Like wtf is this? THERE'S A LEFT LANE FOR A REASON. I don't need to risk a speeding ticket because you're too lazy to turn the steering wheel 1cm and perhaps signal. At the same time, I also hate slow left-lane drivers. When I'm late (which is often) I kinda need to go 140, so if you're going 110, BE IN THE RIGHT LANE. I'd do it for you! (see prev. paragraph)

Woah, where do you live that the speed limit is 100?

zackk5 0

kilometers per hour I would assume.

Katy326 10

Really any other country in the world uses KPH.

iPhanny 0

Ahahah YDI. Though even the cop shouldn't have been tailgating you. >.>

This same thing happened to me. I'm almost 17 now but later last year i was going 70 in a 55 (rushing home to beat the curfew) and a CHP came flying up behind me and started tailgating me. it was dark and foggy and of course i had no idea it was a CHP so i sped up so the guy wouldnt hit me. That ended up with me having a ticket for 95 in a 55 still under my provisional license... FML right? Cops/CHP's should not exploit us.

You weren't exploited, don't speed up like that.

arioch_fml 20

Not to mention you knew you had a curfew, plan ahead for it. If you can't, be prepared to take a cab, the bus or ask a friend/parent for a ride to avoid potential problems. Also, pulling over and letting people pass is a viable option, especially going at such a low speed.

So you were already breaking the law (and your curfew) and you think you’re being exploited? Entitled much?