By Anonymous - 31/03/2013 20:34 - United States - Indianapolis

Today, what started as a fun family Easter egg hunt turned within minutes into my mother-in-law's big chance to be a dramatic cow by screaming at my 5 and 7-year-old daughters for participating in a "vile pagan ritual" and saying that we're all going to hell. They're still bawling. FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 887
You deserved it 2 639

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Brenna19 5

I would have slapped her into eternity!

Ugh. The amount of people that still think like a 16th century Puritan...


Well at least you now have the excuse to excommunicate her from the family.... For that you are lucky! And I wish I could get ride of my mother-in-law.... So just remember the glass is half full... She crazy bitch is out of your life.... =-)

Could have found way to keep her inside during all this. And considering the fat cow comment, cheesecake and lemon bars would have been a good combo.

well she isnt wrong about it being a pagan tradition but she was wrong for making your kids cry :(

I would tell her she can't see the children till she makes it up to them.

Fishfanatic 7

She's correct that easter is pagan in origin, but so very very wrong about it being vile. The seasonal timing and many of the practices of nearly every christian festival, has been nicked from a pagan one, twisted and distorted, and been given a jesus mask.

Regardless of it being pagan, there was no call for her yelling it at the kids and making them cry. They aren't even old enough to know what pagan is. All they understood was her yelling at them that they were doing something so heinous<eyeroll> to condemn them to hell. What a bitch. Time for the wife to step up and enforce boundaries with her mother.

"Today my heathen grandchildren participated in a pagan Easter egg hunt. What kind of daughter did I raise? FML!"

Paganism is from BC times, it seriously predates Christianity and we celebrate Ostara/Spring Equinox (Easter) as a time for fertility

*and new life. Nice to see that there's some educated idiots out there. FYL OP, it saddens me to hear there are still Pagan hates out there. :/ Chell1894, you're awesome.

lovelyrevenge21 14

I would have told her off like no ones business!!