By Anonymous - 31/03/2013 20:34 - United States - Indianapolis

Today, what started as a fun family Easter egg hunt turned within minutes into my mother-in-law's big chance to be a dramatic cow by screaming at my 5 and 7-year-old daughters for participating in a "vile pagan ritual" and saying that we're all going to hell. They're still bawling. FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 887
You deserved it 2 639

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Brenna19 5

I would have slapped her into eternity!

Ugh. The amount of people that still think like a 16th century Puritan...


Dang. Some people should just have their mouth taped. Yelling at innocent kids during an Easter egg hunt.... smh

I was raised pagan and still am, our "Easter" is call Ostara and is march 19-22. So completely different dates. Also pagans do not have a bunny that left eggs. The goddess of spring was just believed to take the form of a white rabbit and the eggs symbolize they are not the same at all.

OP, you should remind that bitch that that was clearly the reason she came to the get-together in the first place - to shout at little kids. Also, remind her she obviously raised her daughter badly for choosing someone like you to marry - dump her in the shit. I'm Christian and don't believe in things like Halloween, don't particularly approve of people celebrating it, but I'll let them get on with it anyway. While Easter is originally a pagan festival, than doesn't mean I can't celebrate Jesus' resurrection then, and the same at Christmas, when he clearly wasn't born on December 25th. Tell her to grow up and **** off, they're not her kids

Interesting, that's what the Westboro Baptist Church says. Looks like you monster-in-law is hanging out with peculiar people...

Oh good lord. Your life does indeed suck my friend. Most FML's involve something about a bad day... a horrible psycho mother in law is forever. smh... I do feel your pain, I have one to rival yours for sure.

This just back ups the theory that religion is child abuse.

Your mother-in-law sounds about as fun as Oliver Cromwell.

Well.... "Dramatic cows" need to be tipped over. If you're not sure how to do this, refer to Chris Farley's movies...

Wtf?! She sounds like a horrible person. I'm really sorry, OP.