By Anonymous - 31/03/2013 20:34 - United States - Indianapolis

Today, what started as a fun family Easter egg hunt turned within minutes into my mother-in-law's big chance to be a dramatic cow by screaming at my 5 and 7-year-old daughters for participating in a "vile pagan ritual" and saying that we're all going to hell. They're still bawling. FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 887
You deserved it 2 639

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Brenna19 5

I would have slapped her into eternity!

Ugh. The amount of people that still think like a 16th century Puritan...


Arlisshsr 9
soldiat_fml 17

This is exactly why my parents fought terribly before Christmas every year. Not because of the tree itself, either; I guess silver and gold were bad because silver represents judgement and gold represents something else. Either way, the holidays shouldn't revolve around nitpicking ancient customs and ruining family relations. Just shut up and enjoy the ham and mashed potatoes.

Easter is Christian tho Christianity is just late paganism

I'd have slapped that woman so hard, and told her if she ever screamed at my children again I'd beat her face in. They're just little kids having fun. With colorful eggs, of all things. Jeez....