By Anonymous - 31/03/2013 20:34 - United States - Indianapolis

Today, what started as a fun family Easter egg hunt turned within minutes into my mother-in-law's big chance to be a dramatic cow by screaming at my 5 and 7-year-old daughters for participating in a "vile pagan ritual" and saying that we're all going to hell. They're still bawling. FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 887
You deserved it 2 639

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Brenna19 5

I would have slapped her into eternity!

Ugh. The amount of people that still think like a 16th century Puritan...


Can't have fun without a party pooper

My dad tried that. Once. At Christmas. He was told to leave and was not invited back. Sometimes nasty selfish people that bring toxic gloom and doom are not as important as we thought they were and don't deserve to be invited in future. If they can't be respectful to you or your family and restrain their selfish diarrhea of the mouth, don't accept their selfishness and don't invite them back. They aren't worth it and you and especially your children deserve better and not to stress about what some pompous fathead wants to dramatize and force on you about their beliefs (and against your beliefs) and joy. I am sorry your children suffered from it. I know first hand the feeling. You just have to tell them that g-ma is rude and spiteful and that you are sorry she did that. Reassure them that they are not hell bound and that you will protect them from it in future. If your spouse doesn't agree he needs to get z clue about priorities. You and your kids come first before dear old potty mouth mom. Good luck and happy Easter.

If he reads a single one of our comments I hope it's that one!

SmilingMonsterCB 4

This is the second time I've heard that some older relative has shouted at kids about the holidays being pagen and that hell, blah blah blah... Last time it was a Grandma at a Nativity play, I think. I don't understand why they feel the urge to make a huge scene about it, if I've learned anything from being raised in a Christen family, it was to be kind to others and understand people are different and have different beliefs. Besides, pagen or not, the holidays are a great reason to get together with family and have fun, play games and see people you normally wouldn't be able to. That's why I like to celebrate them, regardless of my beliefs. And I'm with a lot of people here, if anyone tried that shit on my little siblings, I'd give 'em a little hell for each word they say. Also, OP, sorry about your kids. Hope they got over it, and understand they are not going to hell for looking for some eggs...

So what's gonna happen when you take your kids to celebrate Halloween?

What the heck? I would of told her to back off, you don't talk to kids like that... That is disrespectful. She is entitled to her opinion but she shouldn't judge others. Especially little kids.

I would tell your children (this is assuming they both still believe in the Easter Bunny) that he wants all little kids to be happy and have fun Easter egg hunts and that since today didn't work, he will come back and do a brand new one. Then just have a new Easter egg hunt that does not include her. Oh, and then be sure to see if she has a Christmas tree during the holidays and if so, kindly point out that the tradition of having a tree also stemmed from a "vile pagan tradition" also known as winter solstice. Just don't say it in front of the kids :)

i hope you grew some balls and gave her two tons of shit for that.

onorexveritas 23

theres always gotta be one rude ass that has to spoil it for everyone , should of said to her that until she changes that attitude she isnt welcomed back.