By sa la vash - 14/03/2015 08:22 - Netherlands

Today, what my friends call my "resting bitch face" freaked my boyfriend out enough during sex that he went soft inside me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 284
You deserved it 8 279

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You scared him limp ? That must be a hell of a facial expression.

Why did you have a resting bitch face while having sex? Not something I'd expect to see when with someone either..


You scared him limp ? That must be a hell of a facial expression.

The real question is why she had an expressionless face during sex

You'd be surprised how easy it is! Especially if your partner isn't that good!

Maybe it's just me 55, but if I'm with someone even if the sex isn't that good I'm still enjoying it because I care about them.

incoherentrmblr 21

Try using your happy face?...

For some reason I imagine op being one of those girls that doesn't do anything during sex. Just laying there giving her boyfriend her "bitch face" expression. That would totally creep me out too.

Indeed 78, nothing is more unsexy then the girl doing nothing at all. It's better if they actually doing something and react on what the guy is doing

Shouldn't have did it then,YDI...

It's a "resting bitch face," she didn't do it purposefully. It just happens.. use Google to find out what it is, next time.

During sex her face shouldn't be emotionless so I guess he was doing something wrong...

elyssa112 6

He meant she deserves it because who makes a "resting bitch face" during sex .. He wasn't saying she shouldn't make the face period ...

The whole point of a resting bitch face is the fact that it's just your face. I have a resting bitch face and I don't even know when my face looks like that unless someone asks if I'm ok. So she prob had no idea she was doing it

It's just her face. She can't help if she doesn't have one of pure pleasure the entire time, maybe her boyfriend wasn't doing something right or she just wasn't feeling it? I still don't see how this can be a YDI, her face naturally appears that way.

Resting bitch face means it looks like you're upset when your face is RESTING. Ones face shouldn't be resting during sex. I suffer from RBF but have never had a complaint of it during sex

On the bright side, you're all set for Halloween!!

Why did you have a resting bitch face while having sex? Not something I'd expect to see when with someone either..

You need your "O" face on during sex not the "resting bitch face". For you that don't know the O face..... It's oh, oh, oh!! Anyone know what movie that's referenced from?

Attacksloth 33

Yeah, this. Sounds like it was boring sex.

Not everyone is a moaning or screaming mess in bed. Some people are quiet, and may not have the "O" expression on their face.

iShanny 13

Hmm wonder which is worse to see during sex... Resting bitch face, or awkward ****** face.

Resting bitch face. Must be shitty sex if she can pull that off. At least with the other one they're having an ******.

elyssa112 6

Probably the resting bitch face ... That just means he sucks . If it's the awkward ****** face then thats telling him that she's so focused on that ****** and doesn't care what she looks ATM . And that my friend can only be called one thing ..... Talent

So your friends know what your sex face looks like? Interesting.

giantsfan2010 23

Guess you gotta do it doggy style now.

just_america 6
AirBusDriver 23

Pics, we want pics of your RBF woman!