By thecarisfine - 14/03/2015 04:27 - Australia - Brisbane

Today, while on a date, I desperately let out a stealth fart in my date's car. I didn't have the nerve to own up to it, even as he started panicking and thinking the smell was coming from his engine. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 898
You deserved it 8 358

Same thing different taste

Top comments

He knew. He was trying to take the attention away from you so you wouldn't be embarrassed.

Own up to it. If he takes it bad, maybe not a choice for you. Considering everyone has to fart sometimes, he should understand that it happens. Shouldn't be a big deal.


Everyone farts so just own up to it when you do.

lies normal girls don't fart everyone knows that. this girl should seek medical help

Girls don't fart. We let out a pleasant smell of daffodils

#23 exactly, but this girl's own must have been mixed with some ammonia.

Actually, I fart. I emit a pleasant aroma of lilac all while glitter and rainbows shoot from my ass.

Well it looks like you're in a stinky situation

Don't worry, if the date is kind then they won't mind and they will realise it is just a natural thing.

He knew it was you,He just didn't want to csll you out on it...

I want to know what you ate to make him think it came from the engine.

I agree!! And just cause of being curious, what in hell comes from the car that goes wrong and smells like a rank fart??

poostickles 14

#18 a dodgy catalytic converter will make it smell like a pleasant mix of sulfur and demon farts

giantsfan2010 23

The engine used a different kind of gas though!

He knew. He was trying to take the attention away from you so you wouldn't be embarrassed.

codytallica 38

Either that or he is an idiot for mistaking a fart for an engine problem.

But if he knew couldn't he have simply ignored it? Pretended nothing happened? It sounds like it was silent.

#59 But what if the smell was so bad that there was no way he didn't smell it so he just wanted to assure her that he did smell it but he's going to ignore it and make it seem like it came from the car?

usaidwhat82 21

I'd probably feel embarrassed too, but in the future, just tell him. It happens to all of us. :-)

Own up to it. If he takes it bad, maybe not a choice for you. Considering everyone has to fart sometimes, he should understand that it happens. Shouldn't be a big deal.

I fart heaps, they dont stink though. just noise haha

#17 Sure sure. I've heard this tale before. When we started dating my husband said that '...they are predominantly noisy, not smelly.' HE LIED!!!!