By brotheritachi - 13/06/2017 16:00

Today, it was my first driving lesson. I was so bad, the police stopped me and accused me of being drunk, because I almost crashed into the pole in front of them. FML
I agree, your life sucks 3 492
You deserved it 962

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Atleast you wasnt called Curby in high school.

That's a shame. I think all first lessons should be off of the public highway. A lot of people struggle in their first lesson but pick it up really quick afterwards. There's something about that first time. The less said about those that never get it, the better.


Atleast you wasnt called Curby in high school.

everybody on the road was a student at one point. although sometimes it seems student drivers are better than most cause they actually follow the rules

That's a shame. I think all first lessons should be off of the public highway. A lot of people struggle in their first lesson but pick it up really quick afterwards. There's something about that first time. The less said about those that never get it, the better.

I was on an urban freeway during the beginning of rush hour 10 minutes after getting behind the wheel on my first lesson. That instructor kinda had a sink or swim teaching method. I ended up alright.

Don't feel too bad. My daughter's first lesson was in a parking lot and she managed to rip a piece off the underside of my car.

ArmedShark 2

How is it possible to even be that bad at driving....