By unhappy - 07/06/2015 18:23 - United States - San Anselmo

Today, I had my first driving lesson. I learned how to be stopped by a cop, who told me what a horrible driver I was. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 007
You deserved it 3 961

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Emi1y 21

Don't feel too bad about it, OP. I'm sure that cop wasn't a great driver when he first started either.

You're not going to be an all-pro driver your first time but it still kinda sucks he pointed that out. That was a little unnecessary if you ask me. Don't worry though, you'll get better at driving with more practice OP!


Caden517 9

Dang, don't worry op everyone I'd bad at first. keep at it!

@1 Well yes I guess for most that's true. Most people are "bad" at first. Of course nobody is expecting you to do well on your very first time EVER attempting to operate a vehicle. Which is why you are taking lessons! That's what they're for. I thought I'd never learn because I had a very short tempered instructor. It took me a full 11 lessons before I could even drive safe enough to go on to main roads. But once you get the start to get the hang of it, everything clicks and it becomes like second nature! Keep at it!

tantanpanda 26

Eh, just don't take what he said to heart. My first time was in the neighborhood. Most people suck at driving the first time because it's completely new. As long as you're not spongebob, you'll be fine.

I feel bad for you 18! What a horrible instructor! But you're right.

#20 don't drive like spongebob.... unless you drive like he was blindfolded or in the krabby patty mobile

I'd just be like "bitch I'm new at this shart!"

Because calling a cop a bitch is always a good idea...

no surprise, it should be like that on your first lesson. GL with passing the exam ASAP!

I don't know about you, but I don't think getting pulled over by a cop is an essential part of one's driving education....

I think they might have meant that it's normal to be a bad driver if it's only your first lesson.

I'm sorry, but your first lesson should be in an empty parking lot. Where the police won't feel like need to stop you.

You're not going to be an all-pro driver your first time but it still kinda sucks he pointed that out. That was a little unnecessary if you ask me. Don't worry though, you'll get better at driving with more practice OP!

He should have respected you and known you were just beginning! If he bothered to look at the expiration date of the license, he may not have been so ruthless

The L plates should have been enough

Emi1y 21

Don't feel too bad about it, OP. I'm sure that cop wasn't a great driver when he first started either.


Hiimhaileypotter 52

#48 - WHO CARES? People make assumptions, it's just natural. Is it really that offensive to you?

Geez, what an asshole. Like he was a perfect driver when he first started. Don't worry, OP; don't let him discourage you and keep on practicing! Karma will get him eventually :)

Well, at least you're trying to learn! No one is good at it right away, and I'm sure you'll get the hang of it. I'm sorry that cop was so mean though, he could have totally given you some cool tips or joke to relive some anxiety. Keep practicing, OP!