By Sadman - 23/04/2011 08:37 - Canada

Today, my mother and girlfriend were joking around and talking about the embarrassing things I've done. After they'd had a lengthy conversation, my girlfriend mentioned, "And he always farts during sex." FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 213
You deserved it 10 815

Same thing different taste


No that's disgusting. Don't fart during sex, it's such a turn off.

therealjrkill 0

thats going to be an extremly uncomfterable dinner :b

28 you're probably like some 40 year old dude

staceysgenesis16 0

eww thats a turn off !! even if the guy was super hot , thars bloody gross !!

96 - Lol, say whatever you want :)

that's funny but I think it would have been more disturbing if his mother said,"I can't believe he still farts during sex. That used to annoy me so much!"

That would of meant that she raped him and that's not really funny. What's funny is how long that comment must've took you.

Gary, quit being a butthurt aspie. **** you and your lack of sense of humor.

Sheesh, Gary. Rape? That's a dark world you live in buddy. However, I do agree that it's hilarious that it took me a whole week to come up with that joke. Seven days.

he's being sarcastic.. never seen the ring?

randombitches1 0

actually that would be incest and if that really did happen i don't think he would talk with his mother at all or introduce his girlfriend to would be inappropriate......#20 made a harmless joke...just because your sense of humor is different from his doesn't mean it isn't funny and you should confront him for it...and p.s in future tense u should try to distinguish incest and rape so you don't come of as an illiterate fool. ok? =)

randombitches1 0

#31 actually that would be incest and if that really did happen i don't think he would talk with his mother at all or introduce his girlfriend to would be inappropriate......#20 made a harmless joke...just because your sense of humor is different from his doesn't mean it isn't funny and you should confront him for it...and p.s in future tense u should try to distinguish incest and rape so you don't come of as an illiterate fool. ok? =)

holy shit this comment is awesome :D

Have her make you a sandwich after sex, not before so you won't have gas.

are you ******* sick or what? you like that kind if shit do you?

oh god. some people REALLY need a sarcasm detector!

Abs, follow you're picture. You mad bro?

Primo_Loco 0

abs..... I'm pretty sure they were joking. you know... SARCASM... yea... I'll let you figure that one out on your own.

Farting is disgusting, why would you let them go during sex? SEX!! That's like the worst possible time >_<

I know right? Øh and also great band. ^^

XD I get so many comments on my name lmao Thank you :P

Farting is a natural part of life, just like a woman's period. It's disgusting but we can't avoid it. Maybe he just gets really gassy during sex and can't help it. Better out than in, anyway.

cldean24 4

You are that upset over a little fart? Calm the **** down, everybody farts it isn't that disgusting. If he were sharting, then your comment would be justifiable.

Avenged7Gabe 0

what I would like to know is how his mom knows how he farts during sex

What I'd like to know is how you've made it this far in life without being able to read.

I think it'd be worse during the prayer at a funeral

39... you can avoid farting actually..

Pretty_In_Purple 0

not forever. only momentarily. but they eventually need to come out.

jennifer93 0

Well stop farting during sex!