By taurus05 - 14/11/2009 03:02 - United States

Today, I was talking to my fellow coworker about how nervous I was about sleeping with this guy I really liked. She's been constantly giving me advice about him for months, but today she said "Oh don't worry, he isn't that good in bed anyway." FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 157
You deserved it 3 332

Same thing different taste

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So she says he wasn't any good in the sack, she was there too. It could be that she isn't all that great either.

faxe 0

you've been getting advice on how to sleep with a guy for months???? If that's true, you can't blame her for sleeping with him first.


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NotInAGoodWay 0

Haha, ouch!!:) you should wait until marriage... just saying... don't let yourself go, he'll probably dump you.. just like the girl giving advice://

Soooo...he's slept with other people...Does it matter if one of them was a coworker? Duhrr.

perdix 29

I think the funny part is that the co-worker was giving the OP advice about the guy while sleeping with him, too. I like the message the co-worker sent: "He's not good enough for me, so he's perfect for you." Maybe if the co-worker got off her high horse and lowered her standards, they could have a threesome of mediocre sex. That's lukewarm, man!

So she says he wasn't any good in the sack, she was there too. It could be that she isn't all that great either.

faxe 0

you've been getting advice on how to sleep with a guy for months???? If that's true, you can't blame her for sleeping with him first.

Lightz_Camera_Me 0

Yea he's really not that good but i hear Dan's the man!!! Lmao

Maybe she's lying so you back off, would not surprise me at all.

Spitfire86 0

I kind of agree with that. Possibility of her lying because she decided she likes him too and wants to take him herself. But either way, does it matter if he's good or bad in bed? We all have our own standards on that matter. And a relationship isn't all based on sex. If you likke him, date him and see what happens for yourself.

Hahaha Single White Female, anyone? Watch out or you'll get a stiletto to the temple.