By Anonymous - 01/08/2009 12:56 - United States

Today, I went to the mall and saw a really cute guy. I acted all cool and started doing a sexy hair flip. On the way back up from my hair flip I hit my head on a cellphone stand. FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 064
You deserved it 58 910

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Um, if you need to do a hair flip to be sexy, your not sexy.



sublime93 0

That's hilarious to imagine OP.

Shadow_Phantom 26

Yeah YDI. Why do people post these types of things "I saw really cute person and did [] which led to [] FML" It's ALWAYS a YDI. I'm glad I never went through this stage in my life; I got a BF and settled down. XD

katsoplat 0

How can your life be effed if you dont have one?

killerviral 0

looking like a fool wit ya pants on da ground lol dxocoxuxhcuxdifidjdueuufkthx. jj j j. jgvb. gbdhduf. gh

@117- did you write this comment while inhebriated or on drugs?

Um, if you need to do a hair flip to be sexy, your not sexy.

If you guys haven't done something at least LIKE this, then your obviously too scared to try to act sexy :P

ExtremeEncounter 32

Or you know, don't want to look retarded.

YDI. I don't think guys are really that impressed by that.

Exactly. They're not. Hair flips are done only in movies and in commercials when the fan's blowing in the background. Seriously girl, all you need is a nice smile and confidence. Chick at the coffeeshop earlier today caught my eye fast. She was obvious about being interested, but not too showy. Cute, enough said.


bbobe900000 0

YES OMIGOD but anyway, "I acted all cool" okay. if you're not being yourself, then you just fail. I'm terrible at flirting, and I'm jealous of people who can flirt. But I also don't try to flirt because it's just plain awkward. Don't TRY to 'act all cool' because it just ends up with failing. so YDI

weirdgirl_sf 0

You are totally right. Trying to "act all cool" all most always ends up with the person looking like a dumb ass. If you think someone's so awesome just go say hi, regardless of how they respond you will seem like way less of a freak show.

tylerisnotcool34 0

When people flip their hair they just look like idiots. There is nothing to it. It. Looks. Dumb. Don't do it.

Cuz casually smacking your friend standimg next to you or a complete stranger or whacking your head on something is hot

YDI. You really think "hair flips" get guys to approach you? You've watched too many Cameron Diaz movies!

Who cares? You are just as capable of starting a conversation as any guy. Or can women not do everything men can do? Or they shouldn't? Wait a second... that's sexism. But you still won't start a conversation or ask a guy out, even as you bitch about not being able to play on a men's hockey team. Holy Christ, just go talk to him instead of trying to get his attention. If a guy thinks you're attractive, it will be because you have a great body, nice face, cool style, etc. You flipping your hair around will do nothing to change his mind. Whatever, YDI for acting like somebody else to impress somebody you'll never talk to in your lifetime.

Woah... I'm sensing some personal issues

lol "on the way back up" from a hair flip