By The Joker? - 31/07/2011 06:17 - United States

Today, two guys proclaiming that they were both Batman attacked me on the street. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 884
You deserved it 3 458

Same thing different taste

Top comments

flockz 19

i guess today wasnt the best day to wear your purple pimp suit with your green wig.


perdix 29

How effed your life is depends on whether you look like the creepy Heath Ledger Joker from the movie or the hilarious Cesar Romero one from the TV show.

seriously carry a gun next time n say "good, bad im the guy with the gun"

They "proclaimed" they were batman? How do you know they both weren't the REAL

well maybe you need to learn how to apply your makeup?

creedaddict 9

Where the hell was robin?!?!?

And you fell for it?? or your face is so ugly that they thought you was twoface??

did your dad come at u with a knife wen u were little asking WHY SO SEROIUSSSS