By The Joker? - 31/07/2011 06:17 - United States

Today, two guys proclaiming that they were both Batman attacked me on the street. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 884
You deserved it 3 458

Same thing different taste

Top comments

flockz 19

i guess today wasnt the best day to wear your purple pimp suit with your green wig.


deefan101 11

lol and tomorrow they will attack u saying their ironman :)

If they were wearing hockey pads and were wielding shotguns they weren't Batman. /obscuremoviereference

StopDropNRoll 11

Pick up a comic next time or read a book or watch the cartoon. Just get the facts straight 8)

CyonideCyns 0

Not only do you not know how to spell, you are also an idiot for even suggesting such a thing. Study up if you wanna have a REAL purpose in superhero related conversations.

Ok dress as the joker then . Is that better

jewknowit710 2

And isn't used to fight batman you tool

I guess they both didn't want to be Robin

Petronix 5