By The Joker? - 31/07/2011 06:17 - United States

Today, two guys proclaiming that they were both Batman attacked me on the street. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 884
You deserved it 3 458

Same thing different taste

Top comments

flockz 19

i guess today wasnt the best day to wear your purple pimp suit with your green wig.


Laby_fml 9

You didn't tell them you were Superman and fly away?

And that is why many of us have concealed carry permits. In Florida, where you are allowed to defend yourself, the news headline would have read "Two idiots in batman suits shot dead when they attacked a man on the street". Keep that in mind when you come visit us here in the Sunshine state.

First ninja turtles, and now batman? What has the world come to?

Batman is supposed to uphold the law not break it!

ugottaluvme 0

It's the sequel to the black knight!

TheHoboWerewolf 0

Da Na Na Na Na Na Na Na BATMAN!!!! :D

whatdhabuck 4

at 121 hahahahahahaha lol. btw dhat is very random.

with all these super heroe movies coming out its understandable that some of the public would be affected with identity issues

I would've loved to see this. No offense to you or anything. Who just does that? Lol.