Captain Dumbass

By Anonymous - 26/05/2020 05:00

Today, after my husband spent several days in his shed welding, he showed me his completed Captain America shield. It looked shit. I warned him not to throw it, but he threw it anyway, missed his target, bounced it off the garage and smashed the kitchen window, showering our kids in glass. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 968
You deserved it 575

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You need to report him to CPS! Comic Protagonist Saviors, that is, you can't let the Captain America brand get damaged by your idiot husband who injured his own kids.


You need to report him to CPS! Comic Protagonist Saviors, that is, you can't let the Captain America brand get damaged by your idiot husband who injured his own kids.

Why would you be with such an incredible moron to start with?

tounces7 27

I'm sure you knew he was an idiot when you married him, and you married him anyway, so....

J15237 25

Well you didn't mention your children needed to go to the hospital or anything so that is a bright side. Second you now get to possibly redesign the window in your kitchen if you had been wanting a new one. Also boys will be boys and hey shit happens. I think your husband just did something that a lot of men would probably do.