By HaliMali - 22/02/2015 18:21 - United States - Hastings

Today, trying to do a good deed, I gave a homeless guy a $10 bill. As I walked away, he yelled after me, "You fucking bitch!" FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 426
You deserved it 3 711

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Makes me think maybe not a homeless guy after all?

Maybe that was just his way of saying thank you :)


maybe he wasn't homeless and got offended

Looks like you lost a game of "Homeless or Hipster?"

NodakN8V 25

I won't do that crap no more. I gave a homeless man 2 double cheeseburgers and threw them back at me saying he would rather have the cash....enjoy the hunger games asshole.

This is cold, but they are downtrodden for a reason

Oh yes. Mental Illness is such a good "reason" to be "downtrodden". Or any other conditions (or combination thereof) that make it literally impossible to hold a job. They should just be on programs - oh, wait, SSDI hardly covers rent without accounting for utilities, and food stamps (if you even make the cut depending on demand in your area) for a single adult are almost nothing. Oh wait, I forgot - you need an address for those, as you do with many food pantries. Do you realize that even with Insurance, a vast percentage of people (higher, if counting family units with young children) are at best one major emergency or chronic diagnosis away from living in a car, and from there it's a tiny stumble to shelter or street?

drumma_boi45 5

I remember when I went to NY, there was a homeless man yelling at the cars that would pass by while doing "karate." I'm wondering if that's the one you tried being nice to.

skyeyez9 24

Reading these comments validates my stance on never giving hobos cash. Seems like most are fake.

FYL While what you did was good, it's still better to give homeless people food instead of money, because food can't be exchanged for drugs.

Turn around and go take the money back if he's gonna be a thankless asshole.