By jm_track - 26/02/2011 22:59 - United States

Today, to punish me for being hungover, my roommate blasted the bagpipe version of "Amazing Grace" through his stereo. FML
I agree, your life sucks 15 023
You deserved it 35 393

Same thing different taste

Top comments

RecklessJellyBea 7

o.O Truth be told, I would've done the same.

Everybody drinks to much sometimes, hungover doesn't mean you're a drunk


alexavb15 4

Dont You Feel Bad (: Go Too Church ;)

only1onyx 0

@16 fyl for refering to Korn as an "amazing band".

2010smhill2010 0

my chemical romance and 30 seconds to mars are waaaaayyyyy better bands than Korn

kornhead09 0

truth be told if I were op I wouldve started humming along.

first, your roommate rocks, second, learn your drinking limits. YDI. Roommate 1, OP 0

_Fun_Sized_ 0

are you over 21? did u have work the next day? no? then your room mate is jealous

Do you know the answer to either of your questions? No? Then don't ******* postulate based on no facts whatsoever. Do you really think the roommate is jealous of the headache, nausea, and photophobia that OP has? Is that a fun time for you? Are YOU drunk right now? Maybe you just snorted giraffe shit and smoked some polystyrene pellets. Does that explain your comment? Isn't making assumptions fun?

how rude of op to think he's old enough to make his won decisions and get drunk if he wants to. Silly me, i thought adults were allowed to do things like that and reasonably expect to sleep in afterwards. Room mate is a bitch.

whats up with fml removing FML that get alot of comments and get people all pissed theres nothing wrong with pissing people off stop f-ing up the game your screwing evferying thing up. not everything needs to be PC FML HOMOs

MuchDance90s 0

you're all assuming that the OP got rip-roaring drunk, and that may not be the case; for some people, myself included, the preservatives (or whatever chemical cocktail they add) in some drinks, spirits, beer eyc, can cause headache or migraine and nausea. and unfortunately, it's not easy to tell which ones will or will not cause such a reaction. although the likely case is that OP drank more than he ought to have, it may not be something that he necessarily "deserves" -- at least not directly ;)

I'm not assuming any such thing, and I was one of the first to say it was OP's fault. For one, it's possible to get "rip-roaring drunk" and not have hangovers (I've done it; you just have to not be stupid about it). For two, if you have reactions like that, the onus is on you to actually research these things and find out what has any ingredients that give you said reactions. If you don't, well, it's hard to say it's not your fault.

Ouchy. Your roommate is an ass. Remember this for next time he comes home drunk. Be up bright and early with pots and pans.

stewpididiot 11

yes indeed !!! Confucious say" Revenge is a dish best served cold "