By jm_track - 26/02/2011 22:59 - United States

Today, to punish me for being hungover, my roommate blasted the bagpipe version of "Amazing Grace" through his stereo. FML
I agree, your life sucks 15 023
You deserved it 35 393

Same thing different taste

Top comments

RecklessJellyBea 7

o.O Truth be told, I would've done the same.

Everybody drinks to much sometimes, hungover doesn't mean you're a drunk


I HATE that song. For some reason, it inspires anger in me.

Apparently if you don't mix any soda with alcohol, you won't have a hangover. Since alcohol dehydrates you and the sugar makes you pretty energetic, both run your body to the limit. Since a hangover is just the after-effects of an extremely worn out you

I feel for you, hon. That's a special kind of cruelty.

JokersHQ 21

Hate to say it but if my roommate came home drunk I probably would have done the same! It's one thing to drink, it's another to go a bit too far!