The customer is sometimes devious

By dontgivemechecks - 16/03/2020 14:00

Today, I found out that I accidentally returned a customer her $147 check she had written out to pay for her groceries and receive cash back. The lady got free groceries and money, and I'm now losing my job. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 270
You deserved it 671

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That was kind of harsh. Mistakes happen when people are stressed


Sorry, but that's an unforgivable mistake in your position. In screwing up a job that is getting wiped out by automation, you're letting the robots win!

sydthekid2000 5

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internet trolls, man. they just don't know how to quit

That was kind of harsh. Mistakes happen when people are stressed

It is. In some contexts, what may be considered a simple mistake elsewhere is a capital offense. Like gambling in baseball, having a short register in retail is unforgivable. There's no way to tell which "mistakes" are genuinely accidental.

WistayShlaio82 13

Oops, probably shouldn’t work hungry. You aren’t yourself when you’re hungry.

Sorry but it kind of sounds like ydi.