By jm_track - 26/02/2011 22:59 - United States

Today, to punish me for being hungover, my roommate blasted the bagpipe version of "Amazing Grace" through his stereo. FML
I agree, your life sucks 15 023
You deserved it 35 393

Same thing different taste

Top comments

RecklessJellyBea 7

o.O Truth be told, I would've done the same.

Everybody drinks to much sometimes, hungover doesn't mean you're a drunk


Comeback ideas - pick up whatever is playing this awful racket and smash it over their head! Or get them drunk and do the first one lol

Misdemeanor destruction of personal property (and that's assuming something relatively cheap playing the music; if it's a brand new Macbook it's felony destruction) and felony aggravated assault? Hilarious revenge you've cooked up there!

notsofriendly 17

ydi for not liking amazing grace on bagpipes, that song is beautiful

gabeloz 0

why wpuld they play "Amazing Grace" on the bagpipes?

mrflyinglemur 0

if u don't want a head ache don't be hungover..

ragzilla 0

that song is beautiful and deserves respect.

the song is amazing grace by the dropkick murphys

what's wrong with getting drunk every so often? Just because it's happened once doesn't mean that they're irresponsible or an alchoholic!