It's called growing old

By Anonymous - 23/09/2021 11:01

Today, I woke up with the nastiest, most brutal hangover ever. I haven't had alcohol in 10 years and I only eat healthy, yet my body craps itself out because… reasons. FML
I agree, your life sucks 811
You deserved it 134

Same thing different taste

Top comments

hopejm 5

a trip to the doctor might be in order. hopefully you don't have any kidney or liver issues. or maybe you're not getting enough water. good luck

chug a beer to fix the hangover, being sober clearly isn't working out


chug a beer to fix the hangover, being sober clearly isn't working out

hopejm 5

a trip to the doctor might be in order. hopefully you don't have any kidney or liver issues. or maybe you're not getting enough water. good luck

You're lucky. I get hangover symptoms within a few minutes of consuming alcohol. You got a ten-year delay! That should be great!