By Toldyouso - 22/01/2010 06:16 - United States

Today, I thought it would be romantic to fill my girlfriend's room with scented candles and surprise her when she was done showering. I lied there naked, with Kenny G playing softly. I heard a knock on the door, so I told her to come in. To my surprise it was her mom. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 296
You deserved it 24 631

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Why would your girlfriend knock on her own door? You're an idiot for not realizing it would be someone else.

uhohuscrewedup 0

why do ppl try these things when parents are at home. ydi


Why would your girlfriend knock on her own door? You're an idiot for not realizing it would be someone else.

v1kt4r 13

this has nothing to do with #1s post but someone at least in the 1st 5 should have said it OP i believe u mean lay there...

holaworld 0
jakeidk 0

did she scream? or mount you??

dirtbikeguy 14

most likely mounted him. probably saw the chest pubes going down to the ball fro and grabbed him by the weiner

anela_fml 0

always check first sheesh lol

uhohuscrewedup 0

why do ppl try these things when parents are at home. ydi

anela_fml 0

dude, you sound gay! i thought that was what the girl was supposed to do =/

lol thts wat happened on the movie valentines day...good movie

"he did all that to screw a girl yes of course he must be a homosexual"

MinaXmassacre 0

"Kenny G music playing softly..." So you're cheesy and have bad music taste.

emmmilyyy 0

Kenny g??? gaahh.. haven't u seen wayne's world 2.. Kenny g is terrible.. u have bad taste in music

Well... is her mom at least a MILF? Did this lead to a make-out (or more) that your girlfriend walked in on?