Freak in the streets…

By grocerystalker - 16/11/2012 05:58 - Australia - Newcastle

Today, I spotted a girl I have a crush on while grocery shopping. Before I could go over and say hi, I noticed her walk over and stroke a few kitchen knives through plastic wrapping. Then I spotted her in the dog food section sniffing rawhide bones with her eyes closed, looking very happy. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 516
You deserved it 3 430

Same thing different taste

Top comments

xXHollowIchigoXx 17

Just a little grocery shopping, nothing to get all worked out about. I love the smell of cardboard and new books, I'll give em a whiff or two while I shop. Nothing wrong with that.


enormouselephant 15

Neither does he, knives and pet supplies are definitely not in the same area, you followed her for all that OP...

I personally prefer girls who stroke bones and smell knives : /

26 I feel like you typo'd the r into a "s"

iXTMAstro 6

46 who ever said this was sexual? Only you apparently.

janelly16 7

I'm just wondering how long he followed her to notice all this. I'm sure knives and dog bones are not in the same aisle.

At first, I thought OP just ran into her coincidentally. Let us all take a moment to check out OP's name: grocerystalker.

Today, I resorted to randomly rubbing knives and smelling dog food just to get a creeper to lose interest with me. I don't think even THAT worked on them. FML

decidedlyvague 11

Knick knack patty whack give a dog a bone, this ole girl came rolling home.

TwiztedYuri 9

buy her a rawhide bone and she will love you for ever... maybe get a few knives while your at it. keep them in a way where she can only stroke them. and TADA you have a girlfriend

You dodged a SILVER bullet. My guess is that she's a werewolf.

ruabadfishtoo 0
SomeDeadRabbits 8

Oh man! She caressed a kitchen knife and sniffed a bone!? OP should definatly stop liking her for those two reasons alone! Shit... ******* narrow-minded ***** these days...

xXHollowIchigoXx 17

Just a little grocery shopping, nothing to get all worked out about. I love the smell of cardboard and new books, I'll give em a whiff or two while I shop. Nothing wrong with that.

perdix 29

Are those better than napalm in the morning?

Nothing beats the smell of gunpowder. Ah, explosions.

perdix 29

#59, Leaded gasoline was pretty good, too. Too bad it's not around anymore.

Haha let's all just hope there was a perfectly good explanation behind all this.

kdog333 1

thats what i do when i go grocery shopping! is it not normal or something?!

These "wait, ____ isn't normal?!" comments are getting overused.

huppypuppy 3

I think you should have said hi before you saw anythng else "disturbing"...

That doesn't stop the fact that she likes touching knives or sniffing dog food...

Well, better to get to know those things before you two go out and end up being hurt!

dirton89 7

Or bound and gaged in her basement....just saying

Well Op was clearly following her, she probably just noticed and flashed the knives to scare him off. When that didn't work, she knew the dog food thing was her only hope, right?

RedPillSucks 31

@44 Tell that to the guy in "Girl with the dragon tatoo"

Well now you have a way to try and win her over. Buy the freak a bone

OP, if she wants a bone, you don't have to buy her one, give her yours.

feldco1 17

Playing with knives and sniffing bones? Stay clear of that girl OP.