By now have a cat - 24/04/2014 20:52 - United States - Glenview

Today, the man sitting next to me on the train tried to sneak a dead cat into my bag while I was sleeping. FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 811
You deserved it 3 974

Same thing different taste

Top comments

DrownedMyFish 18

How did he get on the train with a dead cat?

darlingdollie 24

So what did you do? And I feel bad for the poor cat This needs a follow up


Because she was sleeping would be my guess

1 - because trying to shove the cat in the OP's mouth most definitely would've woken them up

euphoricness 28

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Anyone else laugh as hard as I did ? People sure are weird sometimes.

I would have given it to a Chinese restaurant. At least they'll put it to good use.

Maybe the OP sleeps with their mouth closed.

friedpwnadge 25

#25 asks some very good questions.

To hide the evidence #1! It was the perfect time and perfect place to put the dead body!

DrownedMyFish 18

How did he get on the train with a dead cat?

This topic with that username is morbidly amusing.

RedPillSucks 31

Most places don't check what you're carrying.

bfsd42 20

#2, he bought a ticket and walked onto the train. Last time I checked, there is no NSA at train stations.

And why did he get on the train with a dead cat, and why was he trying to get rid of the cat?

darlingdollie 24

So what did you do? And I feel bad for the poor cat This needs a follow up

DrownedMyFish 18

I agree, this needs a follow up. This FML has me completely purrplexed.

CaiDog 20
sexpectations 15

if you don't have anything to say, then don't say anything at all ...wait that's not it

CurlyQute 17

1. Why was he carrying around a dead cat? 2. How did he get it on the train 3. Why was he trying to hide it with you

Axel5238 29

The cat was going to turn into a zombie? He dug it up from the pet cemetery?

According to your name the strange man may have been successful.

iOceanus 18

According to your picture, you deserve a hand shake.

sweetprettykitty 10

What the **** is wrong with people?