
By Anonymous - 25/11/2023 20:00

Today, I was on an early flight home after a night of drinking. I was sat in my seat when I started feeling sweaty and nauseous. I grabbed the puke bag and started gagging, then puking, and a really loud fart came out. Everyone heard it. The attendant switched me seat to sit alone. FML
I agree, your life sucks 154
You deserved it 810

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That's the trouble with alcohol. You drink it to forget the misery, but you only make your life worse. One more drink might have made you shit yourself in a sardine can packed with people, and that's one humiliating disaster nobody wants to live with. I'd suggest seeing your doctor. And maybe a therapist.

I'd thought puking would be humiliating enough, especially if the flight was smooth and nobody else needed a bag.


You're lucky you didn't follow through! They'd have ordered you off the plane when you landed and washed you off with the de-icer hose.

That's the trouble with alcohol. You drink it to forget the misery, but you only make your life worse. One more drink might have made you shit yourself in a sardine can packed with people, and that's one humiliating disaster nobody wants to live with. I'd suggest seeing your doctor. And maybe a therapist.

I'd thought puking would be humiliating enough, especially if the flight was smooth and nobody else needed a bag.

Your life is bad? How about all the other passengers hearing-seeing-smelling your liquor puke?