By JStein - 29/11/2012 04:33 - United States - Hampshire

Today my boyfriend and my best friend had a very lengthy, detailed conversation about Lord of the Rings and the Hobbit, of which I know nothing about. Once they stopped, I looked at him and smiled, and he responded with, "Why can't you be more like her?" FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 412
You deserved it 8 960

Same thing different taste

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You should read that, it's not a classic for nothing... It is acceptable to have different interests than your boyfriend, but maybe you could try looking into what he likes, some of my ex-boyfriends showed me some great movies, books and music!

I don't really agree, people often have different interest and while she could definitely watch a movie with her bf of show interest, she doesn't have to. and the way he commented on it was really harsh.


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I don't really agree, people often have different interest and while she could definitely watch a movie with her bf of show interest, she doesn't have to. and the way he commented on it was really harsh.

Dr0reos 8

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alliewillie 22

You missed the point - she wasn't upset or worried about the conversation, she SMILED afterward. It was the harsh "You should be more like her" comment that followed. Do you think he knows all the details of her music, or her favorite books, or every movie she loves?

I don't think she would have minded being left out for a moment if he didn't say "Why can't you be more like her?". Also, it could be that the boyfriend never talked that much about tlotr. My boyfriend speaks about it more and more, the closer we are to the release date. I didn't know he liked it that much until the announcement that they were gonna make the movie. He never talked about it before. Yes, if he likes it so much, she can be a caring girlfriend and watch the movies with him. But she doesn't JUST KNOW this and that comment wasn't nice, even if she refused to watch the movies before (we don't know she did this). I don't like my boyfriend comparing my flaws/choices to other people who aren't like that and he shouldn't try that.

Lol the only way I was able to get through the movies with my husband was while I was in labour. But my attention span is horrid.

lelo007 11

I have to agree with number 1. My boyfriend and I had almost nothing in common when we first met. He likes Mortal Kombat and Resident Evil, zombies, horror flicks, metal rock, etc. I like old comedies, haven't played video games since Super Mario Bros. on the Super Nintendo, HATE gory stuff, I love to read and he doesn't. Stuff like that. Eventually, I was tired of not having anything to talk about, so I picked up his Resident Evil books and started reading the series, then I watched the movies. I played (well, attempted) some of it on the XBOX, then tried out Mortal Kombat. I went to the Twins of Evil (Marilyn Manson and Rob Zombie) concert with him and ended up having a great time! Now I listen to Rob Zombie on a daily basis. When he saw that I was really making an effort to make him happy, he started asking me about the books I read, watched some of my favorite movies with me from the 50's and 60's, and bought us tickets to see one of my favorite bands in January. Relationships are about meeting halfway, and that means learning your partner inside and out. Take the time to learn about what he likes and his hobbies. What my boyfriend and I did for each other brought us closer together, and we both found some new interests that we never would have attempted if it hadn't been for that.

So you're saying that you would be perfectly be fine if your boyfriend asked you why you can't be like your best friend? *rolls my eyes

lilpanda4 5

Are you kidding me 25?!?! If she doesn't like it she doesn't like!!!MATTER OF OPINION MEAN ANYTHING TO YOU?!?

No, she should find a different boyfriend who 1- she shares more interests with, and 2- isn't an asshole. She should not change who she is for her boyfriend. If he doesn't like the way she is, and her hobbies, then they should break up and find other people they're more compatible with!

But the fact that he said why can't you be more like her, might be

Well he can't hold that against you, most people have different interests. If it gets too much like that you may want to consider breaking up with him.

Yeah, I break up with every girl who doesn't like the same works of fiction as me. It works out really well when I tell them we can't be together anymore because of Legolas.

Nothing wrong with... Nah just kidding. Go watch the movies!

-33, what you said is the epitome of idiocy within our generation. Thanks for always doing your best to make us look like morons.

I'm pretty sure #33 meant books in general, hence not using "the" in the beginning of his sentence. Well it's pretty much personal. I enjoy reading, some don't

And yeah, reading the books would be a much better idea. But watching the movies would be faster and give enough knowledge to join a conversation about lotr

Dodge4x4Ram 46

The Dark Knight is a better trilogy,, just saying

4 - hahahahahahahahahaahahahahaha! That's a good one! You really had me believing you thought it was better! Oh, you really do? Hahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahaaa! I do LOVE the Dark Knight trilogy, but im sorry 4, nothing trumps LOTR

Have you even read LotR? Or The Hobbit? Yes, Batman's great but nothing, NOTHING, comes near Lord of the Rings.

eoko 12

I had no idea cars could comment on movie choices.

Don't feel bad OP. I don't know a lot about LOTR either.

enormouselephant 15

But do you have a boyfriend that cares so much about it..?

You might like to try developing some common interests, even if you don't share all of your existing ones.

You should read that, it's not a classic for nothing... It is acceptable to have different interests than your boyfriend, but maybe you could try looking into what he likes, some of my ex-boyfriends showed me some great movies, books and music!

Hiimhaileypotter 52

Well.... Lord of the Rings IS amazing.... ;) The Hobbit is coming out next month. It shows what happens before Lord of the Rings - how Bilbo gets the ring and stuff. Give it a shot. :)

The ring... didn't the hobbits find it at the bottom of a river while fishing?

Maybe you should consider reading the books, 19.

Sméagol and Déagol were indeed Hobbits (and probably cousins), and they did find the Ring while fishing. Sméagol got with the strangling, and sat around in a cave with the Ring for a few hundred years, where Bilbo later found him totally out of his mind and Gollumy. </nerdstuff>

Read the Hobbit before going to see the movie, then get on reading LotR. They're awesome books!

The female characters in LOTR are pretty badass. Be proud.