Entitled bitch

By das_shizzle - 02/05/2020 05:00

Today, after telling a student that she had to take the online test on the date that I had assigned, she whined to the vice president of the college, who then told my dean that he needed to do something about it. She made me offer testing days on multiple dates. So much for integrity. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 705
You deserved it 235

Same thing different taste

Top comments

bl3ur0z3 17

So create three versions of the test and open up three time slots to take it. Your version of the test is determined by which timeslot you take the test during.

Honestly, he’s right. Though often times, the school will have a deal with a company like that. My college used LockdownBrowser. It screen recorded, filmed you, and prevented you from accessing other tabs. The only way students could cheat would be if they either didn’t have a webcam, or covered their webcam and claimed it was broken or something.


Even if you managed to get them to take it in a tight time window, they'd probably still cheat unless you paid through the nose for a Big Brother outfit like ProctorU. It's hopeless.

Honestly, he’s right. Though often times, the school will have a deal with a company like that. My college used LockdownBrowser. It screen recorded, filmed you, and prevented you from accessing other tabs. The only way students could cheat would be if they either didn’t have a webcam, or covered their webcam and claimed it was broken or something.

it's very common to cover webcams and everyone has a cellphone or two computers. locking one for an online at home exam is next to useless.

Marcella1016 31

I can think of a way around that although it would take a dedicated friend and some secret hand signals. Open zoom or Skype or whatever your choice, initiate conversation with friend in same room, screen share with them. They see your questions, look them up, hold up answers behind your computer that you can see and webcam can’t. Use hand signals for “I need help on this one” or whatever. That’s pretty complicated though. Probably easier to just study and actually learn something.

bloopaloop 27

Sure cheating is easy. Unrelated, academia breeds this behavior.

Allsmash123 10

If you are a highschool teacher, then I feel bad. If you are a college professor, then YDI

bl3ur0z3 17

So create three versions of the test and open up three time slots to take it. Your version of the test is determined by which timeslot you take the test during.

It_gets_better 19

Honestly, as far as college online courses, it really depends on her reason for needing a different day. For example, I voluntarily took all online courses before the virus because I was going to be having a child during the semester and needed flexibility to be hospitalized at any given point. I had to drop a class because the professor would only give the final exam on ONLY ONE day and it was way too close to my due date. Online students go online because they need flexibility, so if that's at all the case, YTAH.

This is what I hate about today's society. The millennial generation is a bunch of self-entitled, spoiled rotten whiners used to getting everything they want handed to them on a silver platter. They don't know discipline, they don't know limits, and they don't know how the world works. Our future is screwed.

Make the dates on days you know she has plans.

When I went to college, if we had more than 2 exams scheduled in one day, then we could reschedule any one for another time that the professor was testing another class or had office hours.

Did you ask her why she could not take the test that day? What if she had a scheduled surgery or any other appointments she could not reschedule? Why can you not offer more than one date?

Did you ask her why she could not take the test that day? What if she had a scheduled surgery or any other appointments she could not reschedule? Why can you not offer more than one date?