By loon - 28/10/2008 11:13 - France

Today, the girl I'm secretly in love with, whom I was talking to on MSN, told me she'd "brb in 10, no wait 20, oh make that 30 min" depending on her boyfriend's stamina. FML
I agree, your life sucks 70 848
You deserved it 9 786

Same thing different taste

Top comments

the price you pay for hanging onto what you can't have.

Stop being a pussy and get off the sideline.


Not as much as being one of the first FMLs so that nobody even sees your pain.

the price you pay for hanging onto what you can't have.

its kinda trashy for her to be talking about that to her guy friends, even if she doesn't know you like her.

Hey, I wouldn't go as far as calling her trashy. Maybe these two are closer than you think. Even if you might not say that kind of thing doesn't mean it's trashy. And OP, that really sucks. I've gone through the same kind of situation and I think you should tell her. The worst thing she'll do is say no, right?

xMooMoox 0

Aww that sucks! You should confess so even if she doesn't date you she wont hurt you. Or maybe say "It makes me uncomfortable" or "I don't like it" when you say stuff like that. That sounds kind of girly but what can I say I'm a girl! Lol Oh or maybe shes doing that to see your reaction or to make you jealous? Just a thought!

Stop being a pussy and get off the sideline.

Declare yourself, get hurt or win, move on if unlucky, eventually win one, be happy. #7 is right, the girl is being trashy. If she was actually telling the truth, then sounds like she was intentionally messing with you. Don't waste your time on her.