By Anonymous - 27/12/2012 02:09 - United States - Roswell

Today, at a post-Christmas party, I saw a cute girl standing underneath a mistletoe. I walked up to her and pointed out that we were both standing under a mistletoe. She looked at me, winced, and quickly walked away. FML
I agree, your life sucks 21 062
You deserved it 24 527

Same thing different taste

Top comments

jjtothemax17 6

Well it was kind of rude for you just to expect a kiss simply because you were under a mistletoe.

LET ME LOVE YOU..... You should've screamed that


MAYBE..... She has already got a partner.... Being under mistletoe is not an excuse to kiss someone else, kissing under mistletoe is just a silly tradition.

KaeporaGaebora 4

Well screw her then. You'll find someone better. Happy holidays.

I'm pretty sure screwing her is what OP was trying to do

WeWalkIn1D 11

Pfft, you can't find someone better.

CharresBarkrey 15
WeWalkIn1D 11

I MEANT CAN. not can't. You CAN find someone better.

CharresBarkrey 15

Don't abuse mistletoe. It's not there to sneak in a kiss from a girl you otherwise would have no chance with... Be more original please. YDI

CharresBarkrey 15

No, it's there for kissing all those ugly people and family members that you've always been waiting to kiss. Pfft. Get off your pedestal.

Good news was she didn't slap you in the face (anyone saw that video?)

Seen* and there are a lot of videos with people getting slapped on the Internet...

CharresBarkrey 15

I think they mean that viral mistletoe prank video from the college kids. It's pretty stupid, I don't understand how it's considered a "prank" when all they do is ask people if they obey the mistletoe tradition, and then drop a mistletoe down.

jjtothemax17 6

Well it was kind of rude for you just to expect a kiss simply because you were under a mistletoe.

KingCeltic77 18

Plus the way you saw her under the miseltoe and just ran over... Yeah.

Maybe someone will kiss you for new years. :3

LET ME LOVE YOU..... You should've screamed that

She's just not into you OP. If you can't find another girl then HUMBUG to you.