By flimflam - 02/09/2010 17:39 - United States

Today, the elevator broke in my dorm and won't be fixed for several days. I live on the 26th floor. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 750
You deserved it 3 862

Same thing different taste

Top comments

i guess i could let u borrow my jet pack

kmaikell 0

Your dorm has 26 floors? Sheesh, I'm sorry! :(


If "Flimflam" is your nickname that's cool, I feel bad for you climbing the stairs. If "Flimflam" is the sound your fat makes as you climb up the stairs, you might wanna consider running up!

Good exercise. Put on some runners and suck it up. Your **** fat.

thats nothing you should try biking 350miles in 4 days!

Damn you people are being so stupid! You'd hate it too if you were in the OP's situation, and for sure you'll get sick&tired for walking that many stairs again and again and again. Let me guess, all you people who're calling the OP fat and lazy are sad, lonely, fat people themselves? Don't you have anything better to do than calling someone you don't even know fat&lazy? For christ sake, most of the people who own golden plagues at sports would hate climbing so many stairs for several days!

think of it as a free membership to a gym for a couple of days

****. that. shit. maybe once up and down 26 stories, but no more - i hope they fix it faster or you have a friend who lives on the ground floor somewhere.


You can get it done twice as fast when you use every other step! I'm on the 3rd floor of my dorm... i'm exhausted when I use my stairs hahahahahahahahahahahahahhaha