
By Anonymous - 13/01/2011 06:32 - United States

Today, my window got busted and won't shut properly. I live in a college dorm room and maintenance says they can't fix it for a couple of days. It's below freezing in my dorm and I can see my breath while trying sleep. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 427
You deserved it 2 628

Same thing different taste

Top comments

that's because you're trying to sleep wrong. close your eyes when you sleep.

1. Kill everyone from maintenance. 2. Skin them and sew them into a warm blanket. Problem solved.


ell oh ell! why is that always the only thing the first commenter can come up with to say?

OP in my eyes you're very lucky! I cannot sleep unless I am in below freezing. I have a really hot core I guess

lol I'm kinda the same I sleep with my window open (it's winter in Canada) and that's almost only way I can sleep

spade1997 0

I used to work in maintenance for a college. sometimes shipments don't arrive on time or things break quicker than expected. So they run out of parts. its just like a store running out of stock.

that's because you're trying to sleep wrong. close your eyes when you sleep.

I have taught myself to sleep with my eyes open, that way I can see when the Boogie Man is trying to kidnap me and take me to the dark lord of...Narnia. That way I can defend myself and look really creepy at the same time! Life is slowly returning to normal...after the last time.

i been seeing this a few times but wtf does "this^" mean, seriously got nothin better to say?

"^this" I'm not sure if you CAN google that :O

sourgirl101 28

Wow fisheatsbear, I haven't seen your comments in a looong time.(:

^ Or maybe you do, as your comment took longer to type than most of those.

Today, another whiney college kid called up because he broke his window when he was drunk and is now cold. I told him I couldn't do it today, since I have 12 other windows to fix. FML

alfredrog 0

how's that a FML ? the one freezing his ass is him not you...., joke failzzzzzz!!

Fuqtastic 0

ya and just like your moms emergency contraceptive..

surferchick96 0

Hm. I see the problem; when you sleep, close your eyes for best results

put ur quit/doona/ whatever over ur head, it rlly helps with the cold and warms ur breath

sourgirl101 28

This will probably be the day you get robbed, if you do this.

1. Kill everyone from maintenance. 2. Skin them and sew them into a warm blanket. Problem solved.

Or steal a blanket...less jail time, granted it's not as fun, but it does the job