By Distraught - 01/03/2011 21:08 - Reserved

Today, the day before I was going to move in with my army fiancé, he was told he would be deployed very soon. I can't pay for the apartment without him, and now have to move back in with my parents until he returns from active duty. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 068
You deserved it 6 650

Same thing different taste

Top comments

a_girl_i_know 0

when you're an "army wife," minor/major setbacks is what you will have to deal with. It wont be easy.

fromthesuck 8

oh so my job is to get shot? i hope you're not american cause i'd hate to think it's my job to get shot for you


they don't stop paying him just because he gets deployed

you are most likely lying, unless you didn't even figure anything about the life you are going into. because your fiancé will be active duty until he retires, not just until he comes back. get ur facts straight and someone is being a little selfish, you are complaining about living with your parents, while your fiancé is risking his life. ur a bitch!!

That's not true. If he's American and in the Reserves or National Guard, they aren't active duty except if they are deployed.

In the United States, if his name is on a lease, he will get BAH in addition to his regular pay. He can send you the BAH to pay the rent. But yeah, it's more productive to whine on here instead of come up with solutions.

open your eyes and be thankful you have that option...

Since you guys are gonna get married anyway, go to a justice of the peace and do it before he deploys. The army will pay him a housing allowance which will help with the rent. Also, God forbid something happens to him while he's deployed you'll get survivors benefits. Welcome to the Army!

I am a soldier. I Thank those of you who appreciate what we do, it's not easy. I don't understand why she doesn't move in anyway. All she has to do is get added to his checking account and she'll have access to his money. Guarantee the the landlord will accept the money, they really don't care where it comes from.

you should live your life like he's not there plan for worse hope for best, anything can happen so find your own place you can't always count on living off others

they do support them. as long as they are legally together. they have to be married. being in an army family is very hard and sacrifices are made daily. but for all of us. that's what makes them so wonderful. so quit bitchin.

raheib 0

I'm active duty. if you guys get married before he deploys then the army will pay him housing allowance on top of what he makes. that amount should cover the cost of your rent and utilities without taking more money away from you. or they'll let you guys live on base rent free and utility free but with no extra money. so u might wanna go to a court and get married a lot sooner. and then have a big nice wedding later with the party and all that good stuff. but the military won't support u unless ur married and his dependent.

be grateful your parents are taking you in. either come to terms with your situation and have a good time with your family or get financially stable enough to move out on your on either way stop bitching.