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By Anonymous - 19/01/2021 07:59

Today, after my boyfriend used to tell me that, with his demanding job, he just didn’t have the time or energy for a meaningful conversation with me. Thanks to COVID, he works 90% less now, finding time for online college, cooking and new furniture, yet didn’t invest even one extra minute into our couple. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 033
You deserved it 231

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Warp1978 15

He sounds like a jerk, don't tell him take what you need for a week and move out. See if he notices🥴


Warp1978 15

He sounds like a jerk, don't tell him take what you need for a week and move out. See if he notices🥴

OrySoma 11

you should just leave and see how long it takes him to release you're gone

that is a cue he doesn't really want you around but doesn't want the drama of being the one to break up with you. take the hint and let him go. you're wasting time, find someone who deserves you and wants your presence

time for a new boyfriend, one who communicates with you