
By Anonymous - 13/12/2021 01:58

Today, my boyfriend told me he’d have a surprise for me when I got home. The surprise was he’d moved out, dumped me, and cut me off from his share of the bills, because he’s not interested in marriage and babies. I can’t afford the rent by myself so I’m going to have to move back to my mother's. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 227
You deserved it 182

Same thing different taste

Top comments

If he's on the lease, you can sue him for being in arrears.

I sincerely hope you can find someone else who's worth your time, and loves all of you. That guy sounds like trash, and you deserve better.


I sincerely hope you can find someone else who's worth your time, and loves all of you. That guy sounds like trash, and you deserve better.

If he's on the lease, you can sue him for being in arrears.

Was it really a surprise? Had he been interested in marriage and babies a few hours before? You should sue your ex-boyfriend for his share of the rent until your lease is up.

LiquIDMeow 6

Next time ur animal instinct for crotchgoblin kicks in - shut up before the next bf leaves

Scream it louder, earlier. Weed 'em out fast.

Schm17ty 1

Anyone who can’t break up compassionately doesn’t deserve a partner. Talk to the exes before dating if possible. The situation sucks but it would have sucked worse if you’d already been married or had kids. Dodged a bullet.