Boots on the ground

By Anonymous - 06/03/2024 18:00 - Canada - Gatineau

Today, I learned that my husband is getting deployed for we don’t know how long, and I’ll be left all alone, in a different country far away from home. FML
I agree, your life sucks 418
You deserved it 191

Same thing different taste

Top comments

what did you think was going to happen when you married a military man?

cpguru24 16

Deployments can be tough. First thing is try to make some friends. you are not alone. There may be another family in the same situation you are in the same place. You will find strength in friendship. There is probably even a facebook group or 2 that will help. I know when my son went to hawaii, his wife left all their previous military friends in NC. It took a little bit but slowly they found another couple so now his wife will have a friend to lean on if he gets sent on deployment. Good luck. DO NOT BE AFRAID TO REACH OUT!


what did you think was going to happen when you married a military man?

cpguru24 16

Deployments can be tough. First thing is try to make some friends. you are not alone. There may be another family in the same situation you are in the same place. You will find strength in friendship. There is probably even a facebook group or 2 that will help. I know when my son went to hawaii, his wife left all their previous military friends in NC. It took a little bit but slowly they found another couple so now his wife will have a friend to lean on if he gets sent on deployment. Good luck. DO NOT BE AFRAID TO REACH OUT!

rpy13 11

I’m a military mom, and trust me, I don’t like it…. But… what exactly were you thinking was going to happen?? Better buck up, you /we have a loooong road ahead.