By Anonymous - 10/06/2009 13:12 - United States
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freudian theory right there
YOUR five and a half year old boy? That's kinda creepy too...but hey, at least he's looking out for you?
Actually it's quite normal for small children to say that, but as they grow the thought leaves them.
completely true. i probably said the same thing to my mom when i was little. it biological, most animals love their moms that way until they get older
It's one of the five stages in a sexual theory. I forget the man who invented it though.
Maybe Freud?
its creepy her kid wants to be her boyfrien
The kid is 5, he doesn't know what a relationships in the family means. He simply wants his mother to be happy.
That seems like an odd thing for a 5-year old to say.
My cousin from the time he was 2-6 would say he was my boyfriend and when I told him he was the ring barrier in my wedding he said "but you are suppose to marry me not him" so it's not weird it's what kids do. You obviously have no young children in your family or are to much of a jerk for them to like you
lol #117 make me chuckle.
I once told my sister I wanted to marry her. I had no thought of how that was wrong at that age
ok, this isn't creepy! I knew a boy who wanted to marry his mom when he grew up. Kid's don't know these kinds of things... but anyway! Cute and funny... and also sad.
God bless the little people. FYL.

The 5 year old doesn't think like we do. Our minds are perverted and know what boyfriends and girlfriends do (have sex); however, the 5 year old doesn't. All he knows is that boyfriends and girlfriends love each other... And is it that wrong that a 5 yr old loves his mom? You people need some serious ******* help.
This happened to a girl friend of mine, except the boy is 3 and he said "When I grow up I want to marry mommy." She said, "Oh, that's so sweet . . ." He says, "And I'll yell at you all the time just like Daddy." FHL